Our greatest strengths are project design to meet clients’ research objectives and actionable results delivered in a clear understandable format.
Research Methodologies
We employ every methodology of a high quality market research firm or corporate research department.
We have two primary methods.
For information directly from people
Surveys (phone, internet, and client intranet)
Focus groups (local or national in formal focus group facilities and other creative venues)
Executive interviews (usually in-depth interviews of business executives and industry experts)
Mystery shopping (typically via phone to purchasing, sales & customer service personnel)
For information and statistical data in print and electronic sources
Internet (expert search capability)
Annual subscriptions to ProQuest, Lexis/Nexis, Hoover’s/Dun & Bradstreet and other proprietary databases
Social media (for business research)
Our own in-house document delivery company, which can find virtually anything in print, anywhere in the world
Government and industry statistics
Research Process
We start by talking informally with clients about their business or institution – what their current situation is; how they hope to grow; what they’d like to change.
Much of our research:
tests new ideas
explores new opportunities
assesses strengths & weaknesses
forecasts future activity
guides smart, fact-based business decisions
We devise and execute successful business research projects, from simple and straightforward to highly technical and complex.
Our End Products consist of information, answers, pictures, documentation, statistical data, interviews, custom reports, qualitative and quantitative analysis, and recommendations – any or all, in whatever form our clients want.
Industry Specific Research
Our strongest suit has always been B2B research in a wide range of industries, including many Fortune 500 companies.
We have an insider’s knowledge and understanding of certain industries due to our frequent research – for them and about them – for over 25 years:
Hospitals and other healthcare providers
Medical devices
Specialty chemicals and advanced materials
Vehicle components
Heavy equipment & machinery
Construction materials
Educational institutions
Cultural institutions
We also have decades of experience, behind the scenes, as outsourced research partners of:
Law firms
Management consultants
Public relations firms
Venture capital firms
M&A and turnaround specialists
Failure analysis engineers
Our Greatest Strengths
Depth of business knowledge; understanding of business strategies
Wide variety of market research methods
No haphazard data generated
Best choice of project variables: data sources, approach, instruments, sampling plan, contact methods…
Quickly find and synthesize large amounts of information
Identify and intelligently interview key individuals
Outstanding business writing
Customized market analysis
Quantitative & statistical analysis
25+ years of experience researching hundreds of industries, companies, products, technologies, and new ideas, from startups and nonprofits to Fortune 500 companies
We continue to cultivate our deep grounding in how industries, suppliers and customers are structured, how they operate, and the strategies they use to compete; excellent understanding of customers’ expectations and purchasing processes.